There are various reasons why cats love bubble wrap. It is ingrained in their DNA that cats do really love to play. This is a trait that runs through their blood as it gives them a chance to do a little exercise.

It is always a great occasion for cats whenever they see goods packaged using bubble wrap being delivered to homes and it is not unusual for the cat to rummage through the packing materials so as to find something to play with. You should always understand that some cats usually view the packing materials which in most cases are bubble wrap as a toy which on the part of the cat is a good thing.

The air-filled plastic bubbles are in way much better than other toys but the utmost care should be given as they can actually burst in the cat’s mouth and send pieces down their throats. This may actually suffocate the cats.

Most people will be quick to admit that apart from the obvious fact of catching mice, there is not a single moment that a day passes by without a cat doing something practically funny, intelligent or just plain stupid. The first reason why cats just love bubble wrap is because they love lying down. Cats have a tendency of lying down on any material that makes them feel comfortable. This comfort is readily provided by bubble wrap.

The second reason as to why cats love bubble wrap is their aforementioned playfulness. This playfulness exhibited by cats is extended to playing with bubble wrap. Cats are always fascinated by the popping sounds produced by the bubble wrap and this in turn encourages them to play some more with it.

It is common knowledge that cats are curious creatures. This curiosity makes them to explore anything that comes their way and this can easily be a piece of bubble wrap.

Another reason as to why cats love bubble wrap is that they love to tear at anything. It is not an uncommon sight to find cats tearing at papers, clothes or any other piece of packing material. This is your cat trying to get in touch with the wild feline side displayed by their cousins in the jungle.

Lastly cats love this wrap as they are creatures that are easily bored and this wrap offers them an avenue to relieve their boredom. Cats will never cease to be fascinated by bubble wrap as it makes great fun for them.

12/11/2020 08:46:13 am

Nice article on packing bubble wrap


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