Research can often sound like a chore when you just want to buy something but in this case it could really help you get the best electric power chair as there are lots of different features you may not want to miss out on.  This research can be done on the internet, by putting what you want in Google and seeing what comes up. Going into a retailer is also a good option as you get to properly see what you would be buying.

Features - Firstly you will need to decide what sort of wheel control it has; front, back, centre of four wheel. There are also foldable and portable models. How you want to control the wheelchair is another choice; this part can often be the more costly part of the chair. Optional features like tilting and reclining are available as well. As most chairs are made to order, delivery could take some time but they are usually reliable. 

Cost – Of course this can range depending on which features you go for. Another cost to consider is any modifications to your home that will need to be made, such as ramps. Modifications may also need to be made to your car so this is an important thing to think about. Wheelchair maintenance will also cost some money especially if you need to buy any replacement parts.

Before buying an electric power chair it is a good idea to have a look around to see what sorts of features are available and which ones you really need and want. As most are battery powered it is important that there is a power outlet in your house that would be accessible and useable for this purpose.

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